Thanks for reading through the website! We'd like to give acknowledgment to some of the resources that helped us develop the content for the Meta-Analysis Learning Information Center. You can visit them as well to deepen your knowledge of evidence synthesis resaerch.
Cochrane Systematic Review Library
Kiirsti Owen - AdventR Calendar
Andy Field - Adventures in Statistics Interactive R Tutorial
Keith McNulty - Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics
Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund - R for Data Science
Wolfgang Veichtbauer - Meta-Analysis in R Using Metafor
Neal Haddaway - Systematic Review Methods
Mike Cheung - MetaSEM: Structural Equation Modeling for Meta-Analysis in R
Clarivate Analytics - EndNote Reference Management Software
Corporation for Digital Scholarship - Zotero Reference Management Software
Covidence Systematic Review Software
Insilica LLC - SysRev Evidence Synthesis Software
Campbell Collaboration Evidence Synthesis Training
The Center for Open Science - Open Science Framework
Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (5th ed.) by Harris Cooper